Monthly Archives: January 2011

This is for you, Kahled Said

Khaled Said, a 28-year-old Egyptian from the coastal city of Alexandria, Egypt, was tortured to death at the hands of two police officers.

According to Associated Press, Khaled was killed “after he posted a video on the Internet of officers sharing the spoils from a drug bust among themselves”. After Khaled was killed, the Police authorities refused to investigate in Khaled’s death saying that he died because he swallowed a pack of Marijuana.

The world support and international activists’ pressure ended the apartheid system. With enough support, we can end injustice, torture and police brutality in Egypt.

What happened to Khaled could have happened to anyone in a despotic regime. We are all Khaled Said.

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You Said It

I cannot believe it took me so long to play Bioshock.

It took me a while to get started on Fallout too because there were scary mutilated creatures and fire wielding Raiders that reaaaaallly creeped me out. But then once I got over it, it was fine. And then I bought Bioshock, since it’s made by the same company and has a somewhat similar concept as Fallout. But I really chickened out with it. After a few attempts of poking around in the dark with nothing but a pipe and a torch, hearing crying, whispering voices begging for help and then getting attacked by teleporting, deformed humans that escape in a cloud of rose petals was enough or me to stop playing the game for the longest time – splicers and Big Daddies are FREAKY. But now I’m two chapters away from being done with it and they’re not that scary anymore. Except when they play dead and sneak up behind you to kill you in the dark.

Next on the agenda of scary video games? Silent Hill- Homecoming:

I know what I want to go as for next Halloween though! A splicer! 
A little more fake blood and shriveled looking skin and this beauty is good to go:

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I Ain’t Cleaning Shit

What is this? What the hell is THIS:

How….is this on the shelves that sells kids toys?

Oops, I mean how is this on the shelves that sells girl’s toys? As if the binarism wasn’t already obvious, it actually says ‘girls only’. No no, not for you strapping young boys! You must play with trucks and blow things up and engage in other ball-building activities.

Oh what am I saying, that’s really what we females are good for anyway – making pie in the kitchen or on our knees scrubbing the floor.

Oh what’s that? You’d like a foot rub too? Coming dear!


This pisses me off too


People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that distinguish me from a doormat.
— Rebecca West

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Combat Sexual Exploitation

*** Trigger alert – Extremely confronting.

About human trafficking

Take Action

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Yap Yap

God, I love you Beck

I stuffed my face with two boxes of Flake chocolates from Dubai today so my stomach is supremely content.

Today was really good šŸ™‚ I did all my favorite activities in one day so YAY.


Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
— Plato

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When I was very small, a bunch of us neighbor friends would gather in someone’s house and watch in awe as Batman boldly fought off the Pengiun and the Iceman and whatever cunning villain was thrown at him and did all that dressed like an airborne mammal. And it was there that I was exposed to “Batman Returns" where I saw Michelle Pfeiffer’s catwoman role and after that discovery, I wanted to be Catwoman: pretty, resilient, cool outfit, feisty, got to be in the fight scenes, got to do stuff in the fight scenes, not one to let go of a grudge etc. This was a positive role model. But all my other friends disliked her because Catwoman was the villain in that movie. And do you know what?
While Batman swans around in his fancy cave being attended to by a butler, Catwoman gets pissed the f*ck off about workplace discrimination (and workplace secretary-tossing), trashes her apartment, then full-on starts whipping dudes in the face for picking on ladies. She has a strong stance on violence against women, Catwoman. Also, she apparently has a taser. CATWOMAN!
I then started reading comics borrowed from a friend, specifically because it was my understanding there might be Catwoman in them. Unfortunately, I soon found out that not every issue of  “Batman” contained Catwoman, and they were actually about Mr. Morose Dude with all the cash, so, you know: sad emoticon.
And yes, there are things to say about Christopher Nolan, and the many ways he might ruin the Catwoman movie, but in the meantime:

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Iā€™m in I-hate-snow-and-cold phase. I want to pick up and leave. Leave this cold rock for tropical trees and sun and shade and something more exciting. I want beaches and breeze! And not just momentarily, or every Canadian winter but for good. I want to walk on streets with traffic and bicycles and stalls selling flavor and spice. The more noise and clutter, the better! This silence is deafening. And not to mention ā€“ FREAKING BORING.

I want here:

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Le Sigh!

This song has magical properties.
It can turn a shitty day into an awesome one in approximately 3 minutes and 44 seconds.

Give this beauty a listen:

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Writer’s Block: Workin’ for a livin’

Oh god. This is easy.
I think a sewer job would be the worst job in the world. Kudos to those gents and ladies who do it! Without you… actually I don’t even want to think about what we’d do and what would happen without you.

A standing ovation for our underground heroes!

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On A Leash

I came across an article on female libido a little while ago and reading it suddenly dawned a whole new concept to me, even though it’s something that should have struck me before. The claim is that female libido is not as high as that of males. Some further claim that libido for women is so low or even non-existent that they are not troubled by any sexual feeling of any kind. The popular (and might I add, accepted) idea held by nearly everyone is that men are the carnal creatures who can’t easily control their sexual appetite and that this is just innate biology specific for males everywhere. Right?  But women – women aren’t particularly sexual and yet despite this "assurance", cultures all around the world take so many precautions to make sure that female libido is controlled. For example, female genital cutting, heat-to-toe chadors, chastity belts, breast ironing and general scorning and degradation of females who step outside the line.

We live in a sad, sad world.

To quote Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá: "Why the electrified high-security razor-wire fence to contain a kitty-cat?"

***Note: I have no issues with women who choose freely to do any of the three things mentioned above. I do have a problem with women who weren’t given a choice.

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